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Clean Up Crew Radio - Cypher Series Pt 2 w/ Realistic - The Culture is Back

Clean Up Crew Radio – Cypher Series Pt 2 w/ Realistic

RoQ Riffs!! Yall good?!??!   It’s Thursday !!! So don’t forget to check out my radio show The Clean Up Crew hosted by myself and Nick Norris.  For this week’s Cypher Series , we are bringing in the homie Realistic..  an absolutely DOPE emcee based out of Phoenix / NM respectfully.  Very excited about this one because the dude is known to absolutely BRING IT on the mic. Phoenix has finally started to recognize, New Mexico has already known… the Nation is next.  That’s what this series is about!!  Putting DOPE emcees ILL beats and pressing the big equal sign.  I promise you, ya won’t be disappointed.

THE SHOW STARTS  AT 11:59 PM, MST / PHX Standard Time!!  99.1 / 99.3 FM  in Phoenix, Yuma, & Anthem, AZ.   For all yall outside the region you can check it out ONLINE at www.KWSS.ORG

For those not in the know, our Cypher Series is a setup for our HipHop House Stage which we will be organizing for the Arizona Hip Hop Festival which takes place Oct 18 at Comerica Theatre. Everyone up featured in the previous and upcoming sessions will be a part of the situation next month!!  For last weeks episode you can visit the Clean Up Crew FB.

In order to hype this up properly, I need to drop a few joints in your hands.

If you’re not caught up on his music for some odd reason, give it a listen here.. I’ll post the embed but you have to cop it!!

He’s going to be kicking an ill verse … and yes, I’ll be back with one myself!!   So stick around to see both of us create a few bars for yall!

For more info on Realistic  , you can check him out RIGHT HERE .

But yeah.. The Clean Up Crew Radio .. from the Phoenix HipHop scene to your back yard. Nothing but ill Underground HipHop music.


Alright.. see yall on air! #TheCultureIsBack  … let me know what you think of the music, below!! Using words such as Ill, Dope, .. and “hell yeah” LOL.


-RoQy TyRaiD



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