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Stamp of Approval - Kay & Luke " Lost In The Garden" ft Marium Echo - The Culture is Back

Stamp of Approval – Kay & Luke ” Lost In The Garden” ft Marium Echo

RoQ Riffs!!!!  Ya’ll good?!?!  How is everything going for you, today? A lot of negative energy out there because of that bullshit Garner case, which went without judicial charge. By bullshit, I mean… that piece of shit cop was not charged for literally murdering someone who told the officer he was running out of breath.  On camera..  nothing.   Again.  Nothing. NO CHARGE???

So, I want to provide SOME sort of positive energy.

While looking for something to post, I stumbled upon acoustic gold. Courtesy of the RappersIKnow crew.  The name of the artist… ARTISTS.. are Kay & Luke (of The Foundation) , Houston natives.  The name of the song is “Lost In The Garden”. The feature is Marium Echo.  The song is a warm mix of soul and ill drum combos, courtesy of the trap-pack king, himself… !llmind, the Blapmaster.. and his innovative sought after Blapkits.

I really dig this joint.  Reminds me of the type of music you would stumble upon at a hidden bar, full of the eclectic lovers of really. damn. good. music.

Promise you, I’m not being paid to promote this. Lol.   If you need a temporary break from the madness going on, and traditional underground / indie hiphop won’t do the trick, let Kay, Luke, and Marium take care of you.

Check this out…

Dug it, right?  Btw, the dude FWMJ did the artwork, which is pretty ill.  I’m personally curious as to what else will come from collabs such as this.

Fan. Made.

Alright, RoQ Riffs!!  As usual, let me know what you think of the joint. I’m out the gate.

So.. for now.. and live from Phoenix…



– RoQy TyRaiD



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Respect The DJ – Fact 135

What’s good RoQ Riffs!! Back with the first installment of Respect The DJ, a segment where we highlight various DJ’s, the first element of Hip-Hop, ...