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Stamp of Approval - Locksmith Kay Slay Freestyle '14 - The Culture is Back

Stamp of Approval – Locksmith Kay Slay Freestyle ’14

RoQ Riffs!!!! Yall Good?! Okay, you may need to sit up and pay attention to this one because it’s pretty damn serious. A couple months back, Locksmith (Richmond, CA) stepped in Kay Slay and set off a few megatons of tnt. Now, this guy is already known to do his thing; ill track record of dope records, ILL features.. oh.. and crushing battles during his Grindtime days. Even had the honor of doing a show with him a few calendars back at Harlow’s in Sacramento.  But uh.. this right here??  Is pretty. damn. fresh.


In the immortal words of LaVar Burton “don’t take my word for it, try it”..


“Scrapin  your corpse from the porsche that Paul Walker drove / Your square is full of circles like a mafukin WAFFLE CONE!!”  “your mental view is skewed like prewar german cinema” *fieldgoals speaker*   This is the type of artistry that underground hiphop is about. Why our subgenre is considered “indie” is beyond me.. well.. it’s not but that’s a topic for another day. Might have to get at Coolin Out about bringing him out to Phoenix / Tempe asap. What say ye?

This definitely earns a #TheCultureIsBack  Stamp of Approval.  Yeah , this is a “TyRaiD” which doubles as a site for the culture but.. bro lyricism is first and foremost to me. This site is about lyricism FIRST.    And THIS.. is some damn good spitting.  Lock also has a project currently being promoted called A Thousand Cuts .. which is fire, mind you. You can cop that right here.  Outside of his official site,  if you’re looking for the official social media pages, twitter and facebook drops are here , as well.


Alright, folks.  Let me know what you think below.


dUntil next time, “The Culture Is Back!!”


-RoQy TyRaiD



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