RoQ Riffs!! Ya’ll good?!?!? Back here. Been a few days. Things have been CRAZY. Had to stop back in and let you know that you are not forgotten about LOL. Anyhow.. back with another Stamp of Approval. This may be a bit “old” , now.. but screw all of that. Music does not have a time stamp. Underground Producer/Emcee Oddisee has an incredible project he released last year called Tangible Dream. Within this album is a special little gem called “The Goings On”. This song completely resonated with me. Who hasn’t experienced these sort of feelings towards an individual they admire?? Give this a listen, then check out Oddisee’s project on Bandcamp. Music like this is why indie hiphop is leading the charge. Real perspective in poetic format… this is worth a thousand pictures.
“The Goings On” on Tangible Dream via Mello Music.
There you have it, RoQ Riffs!! What do you think?? Of course, comment below!!
Alright.. for now!! Live from Phoenix.. “The Culture Is Back” !!
– RoQy TyRaiD