RoQ Riffs!!! What’s good?!?! Hope your Turkey Day was righteous! Wanted to share this interesting piece I came across! It goes by the name of “All Madden” .. which is pretty potent considering I’m currently watching some damn good Football. Anyhow.. the joint is called “All Madden”. It features Phat Kat, one of my favorite artists out the D, Guilty Simpson.. another artist I will one day collab with lol…. and Elzhi.. and I don’t even need to finish this sentence.
Anyways.. keeping this one short and sweet. Check it out and let me know what you think , down below. You already know what time it is , though. Nothing but dope underground / indie hiphop on my page. It’s already dope. Just listen to it so you can embed it in your memory.
Alright RoQ Riffs, I’m out! Until next time , and live from Phoenix.. !!
– RoQy TyRaiD