RoQ Riffs!! Ya’ll good?! Man, the reception to the album has been pretty damn positive, to say the least. It’s refreshing to receive such positive feedback from this creative effort. One of the things that has been gaining a lot of attention is this new visual piece I want to share with you all.
It is the music video to the Tunesmith-produced “Hey You!” , which is shot by Derrick Reed. You may remember our previous collaborations for songs such as “Break Shit” and of course, the much loved “Woosah”. You may also remember the young king in this new video from those aforementioned visuals, that would be Born Justice. Brilliant mind, right there!
This damn thing actually premiered on VEVO the same morning The Dichotomy of RoQy TyRaiD [you can get physicals CDs here] dropped and yeah.. dope. The hilarious thing about it, would be some of the comments. You see, this video is wildly visually intense and it probably should have come with a seizure disclaimer lolol. So, if you are not cognitively equipped for images rapidly changing, I highly suggest slowing down the video.. but that ruins the fun!
So, without further delay I bring you “Hey You!”
Alright RoQ Riffs, yall know what to do!
Live from Phoenix, “THE CULTURE IS BACK!!”
- RoQy TyRaiD