ROQ RIFFS!!! Ya’ll GOOD?!?! Back with yet another Stamp of Approval!!! There has been a lot of talk about this particular song, so I figured I’d drop it on the page and see what folks thought about it. This one is , as directly implied by the title.. is a Ghostface joint… which features AZ. “Blood In The Streets” !!! Fresh off the “36 Seasons” project, which his buzzing heavily, right now!! This is what I appreciate about, Ghostface, consistency. It could be in the underground / indie realm of hiphop , or something for the pop-masses.. never disappoints. Not only that, it has HipHop’s best kept secret, AZ. I’d like to know what you all think of this.
Alright , yall!! Another short and sweet joint for yall to check out. I’m about to go nurse this itis from Filibertos. Hope you have a great day, fams!!
RoQ Riffs!! Until next time, and live from Phoenix!!
– RoQy TyRaiD